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Justice for Palestine
Publication date: 2019-07-06

Obstacles to Peace in Palestine and How to Overcome Them

In 2005, having examined the Middle East Conflict from every angle, we proposed to end it by compensation of all the non‐Jews adversely affected by the creation of the State of Israel and providing them with full US citizenship, so that they re‐settle in the USA, and abandon their claims to Palestine.

As, in the 13 years that followed, the peace prospects in Palestine have not improved, in 2018 we proposed the same solution again, adjusting the amounts to take into account the rise in the cost of living, and describing in more details how this project will operate.

We also received a comment (2019–06–17) on our proposal saying that our solution “ignores the human element of the problem” and the conversation that followed sheds light on the obstacles to peace in Palestine understanding which will help to overcome them.

This year (2019–06–22) the US Government published another peace plan to end the conflict by spending money on improving the economic situation of the Palestinians in Palestine and in the refugee camps in the neighbouring Arab countries. This offer obviously ignores the causes of the conflict and the “human element” driving it, and has already been rejected by the Palestinian side.

So what is this “human element” that has been preventing the resolution of this conflict for over 70 years?

The commenter's objections to the proposed by us solution are:

  1. it ignores “the years of suffering and sacrifices made by the native population” and
  2. that the “crimes of occupation, illegal expropriation, ethnic cleansing and genocide be simply ‘written off’” and “the criminals can live in peace and harmony”.

As “sufferings and sacrifices” are past events which cannot be undone, the only way to deal with them is monetary compensation.

Any crimes are dealt with by punishment. But today there is no workable international law capable of preventing, stopping, and punishing crimes by states. Although more powerful states can “punish” less powerful states as they wish — “might is right”.

Thus, while it is possible to compensate the victims of the Middle East Conflict monetarily, it is impossible to satisfy the desire of the victims for punishment of those who caused their suffering.

Yet, it is possible, and necessary, to acknowledge these crimes, which will give the victims the satisfaction of the injustices inflicted on them being acknowledged.

By contrast, the plan published by the US Government neither acknowledges the injustices inflicted upon the non‐Jew population of Palestine by the creation of the State of Israel, nor does it offer compensation for these injustices.

The US plan only proposes to improve the economic conditions of the inhabitants of Gaza, of the West Bank and of the refugee camps outside of Palestine.

But the causes of the conflict are not the economic conditions of the Palestinians, but:

  1. expulsion of some Arabs from Palestine in 1948 and
  2. occupation by Israel of more Palestinian land in 1967.

And as these causes remain, the conflict will continue, and the proposed by us plan based on the 2005 solution remains the only viable permanent solution to the conflict.

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